Saturday, November 22, 2008

Inkblotz: Issue #2

Today I read all the poems, short stories, and wise sayings in the second issue of Inkblotz. This was actually my first time reading Inkblotz, so I was really suprised to see how many talented writers we had at our school. I think each of the poems and short stories with an emotion as a theme (joy and envy) succeeded in portraying that emotion perfectly. When I was reading them, I was thinking, "Yup, that's exactly what envy is." The short story I could relate to the most was the one about the older brother being envious of his younger brother. The younger brother is basically a bad kid. He deserted his home and attends parties everyday, where he gets drunk. Ever since he left, his father has been sitting by the window, waiting for him to come home. The older brother is a good son who does not get into trouble and does everything in his power to please his father. Yet all his father looks to is the chance of his younger son returning home. The poem I could relate to the most was the one titled math. I feel exactly the same way about math as the writer does :(

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