Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vanity Fair

So I've been reading Vanity Fair and it's actually taking me longer than I thought. First, the book is the same length as the fourth harry potter book, more or less. Second, I have so much schoolwork that I am not reading every single day and forget what happened in the story the last time I read. I've had to go back and re-read some of the story a couple of times...

It still bothers me that women did not have rights during this time period. The only way for women to gain class in this society was by marrying the "right man". The ideal husband was a man from a well to do, respected family and a steady income. It did not matter if the man was old enough to be your father or had a nasty personality. Rebecca, when hunting for a husband, aims for a rich man. The first person she goes after is her best friend's (from school) older brother. He is a chubby merchant in India who has absolutely NOTHING attractive about him. He only cares for food and drinks, nothing else. In Rebecca's opinion, he is also on the dumb side. But she chases him and flirts with him because he has class and money. I'm really glad that our current society doesn't really have that kind of a mindset anymore...although some people still do consider being rich more important.

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